Vega Asesores

Administrative Management

Vega Asesores, offers you a wide range of administrative procedures that will help your company to minimize the procedures with the different public administrations, in an efficient and responsible manner, where you will save valuable time outsourcing these procedures, benefiting from the advantages we offer you and guaranteeing their effectiveness. Among the many services that we can offer, we highlight the following:

Census registrations/modification/cancelations

We take care of all the census procedures in the different Public Administrations, being essential to carry out business activity.

Settlement and registration of deeds in the corresponding registers 

What should be done after signing the company deed? We are specialists in the commercial field, with extensive experience gained in recent years, therefore we guarantee the completion of the different actions involved in these procedures.

Application for company name

Related with the Company Constitution, we also request the certification of the company name, at Central Mercantile Registry.

Certificates of being up-to-date with Public Administrations

For any procedure that you are going to request such as credits or loans, subsidies or bonuses, etc., it is mandatory to be up to date with the payments, so it is a management that we provide to meet your objectives.

Electronic certificates for natural and legal person

The electronic certificate is an essential tool in the business sector, where most of the formalities and procedures must be carried out electronically, with the need to have it.

Eletronic bills

We take care of making and presenting your electronic invoices electronically to the different Public Administrations.

Registration in the General Tourist Registry of vacation homes / restaurants / bar-cafeteria

If you do a tourist activity, Vega Asesores takes care of advising you and making your registration with the corresponding body.

Request for deferment / fractionation of debt in the Public Administrations

We manage debts, both in voluntary and executive periods, may be deferred or divided into the terms established by regulation, upon request of the taxpayer, when their economic and financial situation temporarily prevents them from making payment within the established deadlines.


The different organisms grant subsidies to support the companies in the achievement of their objectives, for this reason Vega Asesores will keep you informed of the different aids that they offer to the companies.

Request for Commercial and Property Registers reports

Do you need to know if a farm has a load? Do you need commercial information from a company? Vega Asesores can request it without delays.

LEI Code Request

If you are a legal entity and need to obtain the LEI code to carry out financial transactions and comply with the information requirements in the financial markets, at Vega Asesores we manage it.

Other procedures

If you need to carry out any type of procedures, not described above, do not hesitate to contact with Vega Asesores.


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